Managing Jobs

Update employment listings on your website using “Jobs”. This feature sorts and manages each individual job post. You will have the ability to create, modify, and remove jobs at any time, as well as add jobs in the past and schedule postings for the future. Applicants can search for open positions and easily apply.

Log in before starting.


1. Access the Jobs editor.

On the left side of the dashboard select “Jobs” from the menu. This will open a menu listing all current jobs on the website.

2. Adding a new job.

From the side menu, select “Jobs > Add New” or press the “Add New” button at the top of the editing screen.

Alternatively, you can select “+ New > Job” from the top bar.

Complete the form and press “Publish” (or “Update”) when finished. Not all fields are required, but the fields below should be completed before posting each position:

  • Title: The name of the position
  • Description: The details of the job. Include information such as job description, contact information, and special requirements or skills, and anything else worth noting.
  • Publish date: The date the job shows online. By default, it is “Immediately”, meaning it will be posted as soon as the job is published. Clicking “Edit” will allow you to enter a different date so you can add jobs in the past or schedule them to show in the future.
  • Add Categories: Select at least one group for your job post. This is a searchable field on the jobs listing page.
  • Add Types: Select at least one type for your job post. This is a searchable field on the jobs listing page.
  • Location: The city and state of your job post (ie. Rochester, NY).
  • Company Name: The organization’s title (ie. Catholic Charities).
  • Application Email or URL: The email or website people should use to apply.

Cloning a job:

Alternatively, you can create a new job post from an existing job to save some effort by cloning it. From the Jobs menu, select the ellipsis “…” button and choose “Clone” and the “Clone” again on the popup. This duplicates your post. Edit the new listing.

3. Editing a new job.

To edit a job, open the jobs list by selecting “Jobs” from the menu on the left. Hover over a job entry and click the title to edit the post. On the next page, make the necessary changes and press “Update” when finished.

Alternatively, you can hover over the post and select “Quick Edit” which offers some of the editable fields in a convenient popup. Press “Update” when finished making changes.

For information on how to use the editor, see Editing Content.

4. Removing a job post.

The easiest way to remove a job post is by moving it to the trash. Open the jobs list by selecting “Jobs” from the menu on the left. Hover over a job post and press the red trash icon which appears next to the listing. This will move it to the trash and remove it from the job listing.

Alternatively, you can use the adjacent checkboxes to select multiple jobs. A box will appear at the top of the list saying “Bulk Actions”. Select “Move to Trash” and then press “Apply”. You can also use the “Move to Trash” link next to “Publish” or “Update” on the editing page.

Note: Items moved to the trash are recoverable. You can empty the trash to remove them completely.

Other ways to remove posts are to unpublish them by changing the details on the editing page. Check “Position Filled” to no longer accept applications, or choose a “Listing Expiry Date” to remove it after a certain date. There are other ways to remove entries, but these are the most common.

I'm Emily

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