Accessing the Administration Panel (Logging In)

Access to your website’s administration panel requires a username and password.

Access the administration panel using the link and login information provided. Your admin panel is located at

The username and password will vary between accounts. It is most likely your first initial and whole last name, such that Mary Smith would be msmith.

You probably have received an assigned password or created one yourself. Use this to log in. If you do not have your password, you change it by clicking “Lost your password?”

After logging in, select “Profile” and locate the password change toward the bottom of the page.


I'm Emily

Welcome to Nook, my cozy corner of the internet dedicated to all things homemade and delightful. Here, I invite you to join me on a journey of creativity, craftsmanship, and all things handmade with a touch of love. Let's get crafty!

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